Harmful wild animal designation for wild or feral hogs, mute swans, and wolf-dog hybrids [Admin.Code NR 12.10, 16.11, 16.15, 16.30, 16.50] -
Hazardous air pollutants re halogenated solvent cleaners: national emission standards for and NESHAP general provisions [Admin.Code NR 460.02, 460.05, 460.06, 460.07, 460.09, 469.01, 469.02, 469.03, 469.04, 469.05, 469.06, 469.073, 469.074, 469.08, 469.085, 469.09, 469.10, 469.11] -
Hazardous waste management [Admin.Code NR 660.10] -
Indirect source program and affecting developers that construct indirect emission sources [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 410.03, 411 (title), 411.01, 411.02, 411.04, 411.05, 411.055, 411.06, 411.07, 411.09, 411.10, 411.12, 411.13, 484.05, 484.06, 484.06 Table 4A] -
Invasive species: identification, classification and control of [Admin.Code NR 40] -
Invasive species: identification, classification, and control of [Admin.Code NR 40.04] -
Invasive species: identification, classification, and control of [Admin.Code NR 40.02, 40.04, 40.07]
Invasive species: identification, classification, and control of; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 40.02, 40.04, 40.045 (note), 40.05, 40.06, 40.07]
Major source permitting thresholds for sources of greenhouse gas emissions and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 400.03, 405.02, 405.07, 407.02, 407.05, 407.05 Table 1, 407.075] -
Nitrogen oxide (NO2) emissions: modification of existing rules for control by stationary sources in the ozone non-attainment area in Southeastern Wisconsin and issues for SIP (Standard Implementation Plan) and miscellaneous implementation issues [Admin.Code NR 422.02, 422.035, 422.07, 428.02, 428.04, 428.05, 428.07, 428.08, 428.09, 428.12, 428.20, 428.22, 428.23, 428.25] -
Particulate matter emissions: permit requirements; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 400.03, 404.02, 405.02, 405.07, 405.14, 406.04, 407.03, 408.02, 408.06, 484.04] -
Phosphorus water quality standards criteria, limitations, and effluent standards [Admin.Code NR 102.06, 217 (title), 217 subch. I (title), 217.01, 217 subch. II (title), 217.02, 217.03, 217 subch. III (title), 217.10, 217.11, 217.12, 217.13, 217.14, 217.15, 217.16, 217.17, 217.18, 217.19]
Public water supply systems: water supply service area planning process [Admin.Code NR 854] -
Runoff pollution performance standards and prohibitions, targeted runoff managment grant program, urban nonpoint source and storm water management grant program; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 151.002, 151.003, 151.004, 151.005, 151.006, 151.015, 151.02, 151.03, 151.04, 151.05, 151.055, 151.06, 151.07, 151.09, 151.095, 151.11, 151.12, 151.121, 151.122, 151.123, 151.124, 151.125, 151.126, 151.127, 151.128, 151.129, 151.13, 151.135, 151.14, 151.15, 151.20, 151.26, 151.30, 151.32, 153 (title), 153.10, 153.11, 153.12, 153.13, 153.14, 153.145, 153.15, 153.16, 153.17, 153.18, 153.19, 153.20, 153.205, 153.21, 153.22, 153.23, 153.24, 153.25, 153.26, 153.27, 153.28, 153.29, 155.12, 155.13, 155.14, 155.15, 155.16, 155.17, 155.18, 155.19, 155.20, 155.21, 155.22, 155.23, 155.24, 155.25, 155.26, 155.27, 155.28] -
Safe drinking water design requirements for community water systems and requirements for the operation and maintenance of public water supply systems [Admin.Code NR 809, 810, 811] -
Stewardship grants: administration [Admin.Code NR 51 Table of Contents, 51.002, 51.003, 51.004, 51.005, 51.006, 51.007, 51.03, 51.04, 51.05, 51.06, 51.07, 51.08, 51.09, 51.22, 51.24, 51.25, 51.26, 51.27, 51.28, 51.32, 51.35, 51.40, 51.41, 51.42, 51.43, 51.45, 51.46, 51.52, 51.53, 51.62, 51.63, 51.64, 51.65, 51.66, 51.70, 51.72, 51.73, 51.74, 51.75, 51.82, 51.84, 51.85, 51.880, 51.882, 51.883, 51.884, 51.885, 51.902, 51.903, 51.904, 51.905, 51.906, 51.907, 51.908, 51.912, 51.913, 51.914, 51.915, 51.916, 51.917, 51.918, 51.920, 51.922, 51.923, 51.924, 51.925, 51.926, 51.932, 51.933, 51.934, 51.935, 51.942, 51.943, 51.944, 51.946, subch. XVI (title), 51.952, 51.954, subch. XVII (title), 51.960, 51.961, 51.962, 51.963, 51.964, 51.965, 51.966, 51.967, 51.968, 51.969, subch. XVIII (title), 51.970, 51.971, 51.972, 51.973, 51.974, 51.975, 51.976, 51.977, subch. XIX (title), 51.980, 51.981, 51.982, 51.983, 51.984, 51.985, 51.986, 51.987, 51.990, 51.991, 51.992, 51.993, 51.994] -
Surface water thermal standards [Admin.Code NR 102.01, 102.03, 102.04, 102.05, 106 (title), 209]
Urban forestry catastrophic storm grant program administration [Admin.Code NR 47.007, 47.008] -
Vehicle inspection and maintenance program; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 484.04, 485.02, 485.04, 485.04 Table 2 and Table 4, 485.045]
Volatile organic compounds (VOC): definition [Admin.Code NR 400.02] -
Volatile organic compounds (VOC): emission controls for industrial wastewater collection and treatment operations [Admin.Code NR 419.02, 419.045, 484.04]
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from certain operations within the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry: application of Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) [Admin.Code NR 421.07, 439.075]
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) in ozone non-attainment counties: application of Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) emission limitations to sources and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 422.02, 422.035, 422.07, 422.075, 422.10, 422.105, 422.11, 422.115, 422.123, 422.131, 422.141, 422.142, 423.037, 439.06, 484.04]
Water quality classifications in Lake Superior basin and related anti-gradation procedures for WPDES permits [Admin.Code NR 102.10, 102.12, 207.03] -
Water withdrawals: application and permit process of Great Lakes basin water; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 860] -
Water withdrawals: fees in the Great Lakes basin; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 142.30, 850]
Water withdrawals: registration and reporting process; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 142.03, 856]
Water withdrawals: water conservation and water use efficiency; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 852]
WPDES compliance monitoring: analytical methods used for [Admin.Code NR 219.04] -
Commercial fishing for lake whitefish in outlying waters and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 25.06]
Commercial fishing in outlying waters and wholesale fish dealing provisions; affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 25.02, 25.03, 25.04, 25.05, 25.06, 25.09, 25.10, 25.13, 25.135, 25.14, 25.16, 25.17, 25.18, 25.19]
Commercial fishing in outlying waters and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 25.02, 25.03, 25.06, 25.07]
Commercial fishing on the Mississippi River boundary waters of Wisconsin and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 20.08, 20.12, 20.40, 21.02, 21.03, 21.07, 21.09, 21.10, 21.11, 21.13, 21.17, 22.02, 22.05, 22.065, 22.066, 22.09, 22.10, 22.11, 22.12, 22.13, 22.16, 24.02] -
Deer hunting licenses: archery [Admin.Code NR 10.104] -
Deer hunting seasons [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.104] -
Deer management unit population goals [Admin.Code NR 10.104] -
Fishing and clamming on the inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 19.025, 19.27, 19.275, 19.30, 20.06, 20.16, 20.20, 24.09, 24.10]
Fishing on the inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 19.275, 20.03, 20.05, 20.09, 20.18, 20.20, 20.36, 21.06, 21.13, 22.03, 22.06, 22.13, 23.02, 23.05, 23.055, 23.12] -
Fishing on the inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 20.20, 21.04, 23.05, 26.01, 26.05, 26.06, 26.09] -
Fishing tournaments in inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 20.40]
Harmful wild animal designation for wild or feral hogs, mute swans, and wolf-dog hybrids [Admin.Code NR 12.10, 16.11, 16.15, 16.30, 16.50] -
Hunting and trapping regulations, closed areas, and game refuges [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.024, 10.06, 10.09, 10.13, 10.145, 10.25, 10.26, 10.40, 11.032, 11.042, 11.044, 15.022] -
Hunting and trapping regulations, wildlife damage and nuisance control, and closed areas and game refuges [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.07, 10.09, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.11, 10.13, 10.29, 10.31, 11.01, 12.35, 12.36, 19.001, 19.025, 19.60] -
Hunting, trapping, and wildlife rehabilitation [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.07, 10.09, 10.105, 10.12, 10.13, 10.40, 10.41, 19.025, 19.71, 19.73, 19.78] -
License and permit procedures, game and hunting, wildlife damage and nuisance control, and dog trials and training [Admin.Code NR 8.04, 8.52, 8.53, 8.54, 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.09, 10.104, 10.105, 10.11, 10.145, 10.25, 10.40, 12.10, 12.16, 17.02] -
Stewardship program: ensuring that lands acquired with funding under ss. 23.0915 and 23.0917, Wis.Stats., are open to public hunting, trapping, fishing, hiking, and cross country skiing [Admin.Code NR 62] -
2008 migratory game bird seasons and waterfowl hunting zones [Admin.Code NR 10.01] -
2009 migratory game bird seasons and waterfowl hunting zones [Admin.Code NR 10.01] -
2010 migratory game bird seasons and waterfowl hunting zones; and hunting [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.125, 10.31] -
Golf carts [Admin.Code NR 45.055] -
Hunting in state parks, including DNR-managed portions of state trails [Admin.Code NR 10.275, 45.09]
Ice Age and North Country trails [Admin.Code NR 1.29, 45.10]
Stewardship program: ensuring that lands acquired with funding under ss. 23.0915 and 23.0917, Wis.Stats., are open to public hunting, trapping, fishing, hiking, and cross country skiing [Admin.Code NR 62] -
CR09-077 noticeNotice, see
specific subject
Hunting and trapping regulations, wildlife damage and nuisance control, and closed areas and game refuges [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.07, 10.09, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.11, 10.13, 10.29, 10.31, 11.01, 12.35, 12.36, 19.001, 19.025, 19.60] -
License and permit procedures, game and hunting, wildlife damage and nuisance control, and dog trials and training [Admin.Code NR 8.04, 8.52, 8.53, 8.54, 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.09, 10.104, 10.105, 10.11, 10.145, 10.25, 10.40, 12.10, 12.16, 17.02] -
Nursing student loan program [Admin.Code HEA 15] -
School nurse certification [Admin.Code PI 34.01, 34.31] -
Family Care: care management organizations and affecting small business [Admin.Code Ins 57]
Family Care program: confidentiality requirements that prohibit benefit specialists from disclosing personally identifying information about a client without the client's informed consent, unless required by law [Admin.Code DHS (HFS) 10.23]
Family Care program: fair hearings and continuation of benefits pending the outcome of a grievance and department review [Admin.Code DHS 10.55, 10.56] -
Licensed adult family homes: resource center referrals [Admin.Code DHS 88.06] -
Professional employer organizations and groups: registration and regulation [Admin.Code RL 186]
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